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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:30 pm
by Charley Humphrey
'I know this isn't technically a Fairchild question, but some of you have
airplanes made by other manufacturers so i thought I would ask. Do any of
y'all have any Kinner K5 parts collecting dust anywhere? Heads, carbs,
mags, barrels, etc etc etc. Any leads to the secret K5 stash?

Re: Kinner parts

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:47 am
by Richard E Russell
'I may have the LAST "new" master rod and crankshaft about ready to run
in a rebuilt R56-! Please note my posting about ROTEC engines being
manufactured in Australia: These engines seem to be a natural and more
reliable replacement for the Warners and Kinners in particular,
unless, of course, one is a purist. However; IF we do not locate
suitable replacement engines soon, our vintage airplanes will soon be
JUST museum pieces due to lack of airworthy and suitable parts for
Kinner and Warner engines.

Al Ball of Antique Aero Engines may have some B5 parts, but he has NO
master rods or cranks for R55 or R56-!

fly safe out there-!

Dick Russell, F24 81229
and Meyers #93 (34349)

--- In, "Charley Humphrey"
> I know this isn't technically a Fairchild question, but some of you
> airplanes made by other manufacturers so i thought I would ask. Do
any of
> y'all have any Kinner K5 parts collecting dust anywhere? Heads, carbs,
> mags, barrels, etc etc etc. Any leads to the secret K5 stash?
> thanks,
> Charley