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Not a Fairchild but . . .

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:35 pm
by Melvyn Hiscock
'I finally ran the motor on my Rearwin for the first time on 25 Sept.
It started really easily and settled with an oil pressure in the high
80s. There was a problem with the tacho drive and I have been waiting
for a new tacho gearbox (three weeks to the UK! - I bet two weeks of
that was sitting in UK customs!)

Since then I have run it a couple Of times but have resisted the
temptation to do much until the tacho is fixed and the motor is
baffled and cowled properly.

However, I did taxi the Rearwin. It was the first time it had moved
on its own in 13 or 14 years and I was pleased the tailwheel steering
(restored to its original form) works OK. Visibility was not bad but
it still has no cowling (this will change) but the brakes were not
good. I have to do some work on them but most of that is adjustment.

The Rearwin is now at Popham airfield about 50 miles Sw of London. It
is 8 miles from home and it is motorway all the way there. I can be
there in under ten minutes!

First flight is when it is ready.

Meanwhile I have to get insurance.

Melvyn Hiscock'