Re: New Guy

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:49 pm

New Guy

Post by blinddog36451 »

'Hi All, Although I have been lurking around here for quite awhile I
just aquired a 1940 24W project (thanks again mike e) all the repair
work has been done (and rather well I might add) and I am in
the "putting it together to see whats missing" stage (lots of big
nails and junk bolts). I am operating from a position of (almost)
total ignorance about how all the little things go together and after
unpacking a dozen large boxes and bags of parts I find I could use
some help in figuring out what goes where. I have the fuse up on the
gear and the wings are complete (sans cover)Its the little stuff thats
driving me nuts :-) There used to be a website where I could join a
fairchild club and order some manuals and cd's but When I try to pull
it up now I get some other site. Does any one know where I can order
something that will show a detailed breakdown of all the systems for
the 24W?? Also is there by chance anyone with one of these darlings
within driving range of Mobile AL. (who wouldnt mind me looking and
maybe taking some pics) I have lusted after one of these for years and
I am really stoked about starting this project:-) Many thanks, Rick
Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: New Guy

Post by rangerrobertmn »


Congratulations of the new bird. Hope all goes well. I live a LONG
way from Mobile, but would be happy to take any specific pictures
that you want. We just moved to an airpark, so my 1939 Fairchild
24K is just fifty feet away.

The Fairchild Club website is at

Good luck.

Bob Waldron
SkyHarbor airpark
Webster, MN

--- In, "blinddog36451"
> Hi All, Although I have been lurking around here for quite awhile
> just aquired a 1940 24W project (thanks again mike e) all the
> work has been done (and rather well I might add) and I am in
> the "putting it together to see whats missing" stage (lots of big
> nails and junk bolts). I am operating from a position of (almost)
> total ignorance about how all the little things go together and
> unpacking a dozen large boxes and bags of parts I find I could use
> some help in figuring out what goes where. I have the fuse up on
> gear and the wings are complete (sans cover)Its the little stuff
> driving me nuts :-) There used to be a website where I could join
> fairchild club and order some manuals and cd's but When I try to
> it up now I get some other site. Does any one know where I can
> something that will show a detailed breakdown of all the systems
> the 24W?? Also is there by chance anyone with one of these
> within driving range of Mobile AL. (who wouldnt mind me looking
> maybe taking some pics) I have lusted after one of these for years
> I am really stoked about starting this project:-) Many thanks,
> Wolfe
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:49 pm

Re: New Guy

Post by blinddog36451 »

'Many thanks Bob, I may have to take you up on the pics. I pulled up
the fairchild club and this time it came up so I'll be joining ,Rick'
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:15 pm

Re: New Guy

Post by fchld »


Send me your E-mail add.. & phone number I will give you a call.
We can Help you out.

John brendt Pres.
Fairchild Club
----- Original Message -----
From: blinddog36451
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 6:41 PM
Subject: [fairchildclub] New Guy

Hi All, Although I have been lurking around here for quite awhile I
just aquired a 1940 24W project (thanks again mike e) all the repair
work has been done (and rather well I might add) and I am in
the "putting it together to see whats missing" stage (lots of big
nails and junk bolts). I am operating from a position of (almost)
total ignorance about how all the little things go together and after
unpacking a dozen large boxes and bags of parts I find I could use
some help in figuring out what goes where. I have the fuse up on the
gear and the wings are complete (sans cover)Its the little stuff thats
driving me nuts :-) There used to be a website where I could join a
fairchild club and order some manuals and cd's but When I try to pull
it up now I get some other site. Does any one know where I can order
something that will show a detailed breakdown of all the systems for
the 24W?? Also is there by chance anyone with one of these darlings
within driving range of Mobile AL. (who wouldnt mind me looking and
maybe taking some pics) I have lusted after one of these for years and
I am really stoked about starting this project:-) Many thanks, Rick

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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