Search found 5 matches

by blinddog36451
Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:19 am
Forum: Yahoo Group Archives
Topic: Re: F24W Project for trade (or sale)
Replies: 3
Views: 644

Re: F24W Project for trade (or sale)

'Yeah I agree. That was my plan. There is a stc floating around out there for the conversion. But my long distance flying days are over and it seemed a shame to just rathole it in my hanger untill I die. It seemed like the thing to do to get it to someone who will use it.

--- In fairchildclub ...
by blinddog36451
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:57 am
Forum: Yahoo Group Archives
Topic: Re: F24W Project for trade (or sale)
Replies: 3
Views: 644

Re: F24W Project for trade (or sale)

'Forgot to add that the only airplane project I would be interested in trading for would be a biplane large enough to hang a 755 jake radial on. Thanks, Rick

--- In, "blinddog36451" wrote:
> Time to let it go. To many projects, not enough time left. I have a ...
by blinddog36451
Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:52 am
Forum: Yahoo Group Archives
Topic: Re: F24W Project for trade (or sale)
Replies: 3
Views: 644

F24W Project for trade (or sale)

'Time to let it go. To many projects, not enough time left. I have a really nice 41 F24W project. NO ENGINE or PROP. The fuse had som rot in the lower longerons, they have been replaced,it is ready to be sanded and painted(it is spray canned to stop it from rusting). The wings are reassembled and ...
by blinddog36451
Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:50 pm
Forum: Yahoo Group Archives
Topic: Re: New Guy
Replies: 3
Views: 577

Re: New Guy

'Many thanks Bob, I may have to take you up on the pics. I pulled up
the fairchild club and this time it came up so I'll be joining ,Rick'
by blinddog36451
Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:49 pm
Forum: Yahoo Group Archives
Topic: Re: New Guy
Replies: 3
Views: 577

New Guy

'Hi All, Although I have been lurking around here for quite awhile I
just aquired a 1940 24W project (thanks again mike e) all the repair
work has been done (and rather well I might add) and I am in
the "putting it together to see whats missing" stage (lots of big
nails and junk bolts). I am ...